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Transparent Curtain Tape with pre-cut holes 45mm wide 47045-003 (suitable for 15mm metal eyelets)
Transparent pre-cut heading tape 45mm wide for use with 15mm METAL eyelets. Please note that the 15mm metal eyelets will not clip together by hand, you would need a machine to attach a metal eyelet.
Pre-cut holes (18 mm diameter) set at the manufacturer’s recommended distance of 30mm between holes (centre to centre) There are approx 35 holes in one mtr of tape
The tape is cut from a continuous roll so please ensure you have enough meterage to cover the number of eyelet holes required plus extra allowance at each end
Instructions for fixing the tape:
- Sew the tape onto the curtain heading approx. 7mm from the top edge, placing the tape so that you have an equal distance at each side of the curtain from the first hole to the last hole