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50mm Std End + Centre zoom


Ceiling Brackets – Pewter zoom


50mm Std End + Centre
Ceiling Brackets – Pewter
Full Screen

Metal Brackets for Wooden Poles



Bronze and Silver Metal Brackets

Both End and Centre brackets

Bracket for 35mm diameter pole – distance from the wall is 85mm

Bracket for 50mm diameter pole – distance from the wall is 80mm

Bracket for 63mm diameter pole – distance from the wall is 80mm

Width of all brackets is 25mm

Height on wall for 35mm & 50mm is 115mm

Height on wall for 63mm is 95mm

Lateral length of the centre bracket is 105mm

Ceiling Brackets

Distance from the ceiling to the centre of the pole is 65mm for all diameters

Extension Adjustable Brackets extend from 120mm to 165mm from the wall to the centre of the pole

Strap Brackets Length 145mm from the centre of the pole to the end of the bracket


Product Code:

Availability: In Stock

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